I built something…


So, this one time, I thought it would be cool to mention how much I’ve always wanted to build something.  I made the mistake of saying this out loud to my boyfriend who actually DOES build things.  Cut to him finding projects and various tutorials for us to make over the summer.  Um… I can barely figure out what a Philip’s head screwdriver is in a crisis.  Needless to say, I was nervous.  Anyways, we settled on a really reasonable first project:

Building a bed.

You know, those things you sleep on every night and rely on for rest and comfort and is a necessity to your life.

Yeah, we built one.  With our hands.


Day one:  We woke up early and went to Home Depot.  Now, I’m not too much of a girly girl to claim that I’ve never been inside a Home Depot before, but apparently I never noticed the THOUSANDS of square feet devoted to different types of wood that you can purchase to build things.  In case you didn’t know:  THEY HAVE WOOD THERE FOR BUILDING STUFF.  Color me surprised.

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This is me using a tool.

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After we stained the frame, I got really jazzed about this whole “building” thing.  It finally started to look like something awesome.


This is the handsome fool who got us into this mess.

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LOOK! It is a real bed!  We slept on it and nothing collapsed!! To be completely honest, I am extremely proud of this project.  It was incredibly rewarding to start with some 4x4s and end up with a beautiful piece of furniture that we will use for years to come.  Special shout out to my man’s papa for allowing us to use his shop and tools.  We would not have been able to complete this without your help!!  A final shout out to my main squeeze for pushing us to do this.  Although your main motivation was probably to hear me squeal while using a staple gun, I thank you and love you for it.

One thought on “I built something…

  1. I smiled all of the way through this entry. Loved the photos, but there should have been more of you, instead of your handsome fool 🙂

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